Welcome to my top 10s page. If I end up with enough lists, I'll put links on so you can go straight to them instead of having to scroll down the whole page.
By the way, these aren't in any order. Number 1 isn't the best, and number 10 the worst. It was just the order I thought of them. I might rearrange them at some point. I probably should, come to think of it. Anyway, we'll start with the obvious...

Top 10 You Know You're An X-Phile When:

  1. Your clock says 10:13 or 11:21 and you have to watch it until it changes.
  2. You read Moby Dick because of Scully, and watched Steel Magnolias just because Mulder suggested it.
  3. You have pets (or toys) named Mulder, Scully, Skinner, Pendrell etc.
  4. All your passwords/passnumbers have some obscure link to the X-Files.
  5. You wear a trenchcoat, dye your hair red and carry a torch around in your pocket (in Arcadia why wasn't Camie surprised that 'Laura' just happened to have a torch with her?).
  6. You went somewhere important and got a visitor's badge, and couldn't resist waving it around and doing M and S impressions when no-one was looking.
  7. You spent £76.99 on the whole season 1 box set when you were only missing 3 episodes (I still can't believe I did that!).
  8. You can't see your wallpaper anymore due to posters, and you're going to have to start using the ceiling soon.
  9. You have a degree from the X-Files University, or at least you will have once you've thought up a cool essay title.
  10. You have an intense phobia of toilets.

Top 10 You Know You're Not A Good X-Phile Anymore When:

  1. You think the series should have ended 3 seasons ago.
  2. You hadn't noticed that the next feature-length video (which you used to buy 2 minutes after it came out) had been on sale for 2 months already.
  3. You can't remember the names of recent episodes.
  4. You now find it easy to resist spoilers on the Internet.
  5. You didn't get really mad and want to kill CC when you heard about the 9th season without Mulder.
  6. You find yourself saying to non X-Files friends "No, don't watch tonight's episode, it's rubbish".
  7. The dreaded day has finally come. You discover an episode which has absolutely no redeeming features at all, not even good UST (Fight Club, anyone? I put this down to temporary insanity on the part of the writers).
  8. You are embarrassed to admit to people who've seen any of season 6 onwards that you're a fan.
  9. Some of your X-Files posters have fallen off your walls, and you can't be bothered to put them back up.
  10. A friend with Sky tapes the 8th season for you, but you can't be bothered to go round and fetch the tapes.

Any X-Philes visiting my site, Don't Flame! Don't Flame! This isn't serious. It's a joke. Well, mostly. A few of the above are actually true, but I'm still a die-hard fan. Always will be. No question. I just watch the early seasons, which really got me hooked, a lot more than I do the recent ones. With a few notable exceptions, Requiem, all things, The Unnatural, Triangle, etc. I'm not one of those Dogget haters either. What I've seen of him so far has really impressed me. He's a great Mulder substitute, I've grown very attached to him. I still wish they were keeping Mulder though... Anyway, where was I? Yes, don't take me seriously about being a bad fan, I'm not, honest! I just see so many YKYAXFFWs, but I've NEVER seen the opposite version. And seeing how virtually every top 10 idea has been used, I thought I'd get in there first. Except I'm probably not first, there must be one somewhere. Enough yammering, you get the point, me=big fan you=don't flame. ;)

Top 20 X-Files scenes is coming soon to a webpage near you...:) I don't even know if I can cut it down to 20, there are just so many wonderful moments out there. That's it though for the lists. I have no imagination at the moment. My muse has deserted me. Can I borrow anyone else's? If you've got any suggestions, e-mail me. Or better still, just go to fandom (now called assignmentx, see links page), they have the best collection of top 10s.
