Rocking album! I can't take this out of my CD player. I bought a few other CDs at the same time, but they haven't had a look in. To me, The Offpsring have perfected their style on this one. Ixnay on the Hombre rocks too, but it's a little rough around the edges compared to this. Americana sounded a bit too commercial from what I heard of it, but this, well, I can't think of another way to describe it other than It Rocks. It's hard to pick a favourite track, but the one I play most is Special Delivery, so I guess that's it.

An old film I know, but I've heard about it for a while and only just got to see it. As a fan of the rock groups it was parodying - Guns N Roses, Van Halen, etc, I thought it was hilarious. For those of you who don't know, it's a rockumentary, a film crew is following the fictional British group Spinal Tap on their international tour. Like so many real groups at the time, they live a wild lifestyle (at least they think they do), band members have been known to die mysteriously, and their performances are way OTT. This is a very funny film which I recommend to anyone, even if they don't know any stories about what the real groups got up to. The best moment, at least the one that made me laugh the most, was the Stonehenge performance;) Btw, for any X-Files fans, see if you can recognise Michael Mckean (alias Morris Fletcher) in an early role. He's so different that I argued with my mum for the whole film because she didn't believe it was him until the credits. He can sing, too!

It's stating the obvious to say King does horror very well, but he does. The bonus for me in this book is trying to figure out all the twists and turns, connect all the dots. You start to get good at it after a while, and when he mentions something supposedly in passing, you know it's going to be important. It's like a camera close-up on the object. I also loved the characters here, especially the little girl. This will probably be made into a film eventually like all his other classics, but in my opinion, the books are always best.

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