This is Funky Si, also known of as Smod, also my brother. Currently in his third of four years at York University, studying.... umm, something to do with Physics, I think? Si is a strange person, known for his incessant sarcasm and spliting his knuckles open when out on the town. (no, not by getting into fights, that would be too normal for Si.) Funky Si has a weakness for Star Trek, Lara Croft and all kinds of cheesy music. Well liked at university, he spends most of his time hanging out with his equally strange friends and trying to 'pull a munter'. Not one to talk much without a drink, Si hides with humour the fact that he is actually very smart. He is the only one to give permission for bad photos of him to be published on the Net, so be warned, Scary Si might be on its way to a monitor near you....


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