This is Rebecca and Claire. I have lots more pictures of both, I just haven't gotten round to scanning them in yet. Rebecca is living in Nottingham, studying English, after deciding that Oxford uni (not mine, I'm Ox Brookes) wasn't so great after all. I can't speak for all of Oxford uni, but the college she was at didn't seem that good to me either. Bec is another one that made school bearable, and I have countless memories of wacky moments (magic vortexs and book fights) and very profound discussions about the meaning of life (like on a beach in Wales!). Becky is one of the smartest and coolest people I know.
Claire is at High Wycombe uni, studying English and possibly Media as well, I can't remember. Someone I've known for years, Claire has always been a loyal friend and we've had a lot of laughs. She's also one of the best for keeping in touch, although despite living so near we still haven't managed to visit each other at uni! Maybe next time.

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